/ Essays / 2009
- Aesthetics: More Than Meets the Eye
- Amazon is Amazing... Most of the Time
- Apple + Developers = Earnings
- Asynchronous Google Analytics!
- Back to What I Really Love
- Best CSS Reset Around
- Cloud Computing: Yin and Yang
- Contact Syncing for Massive Productivity Booster
- Convert a List of Strings to UTF-8 in Python
- Crossing Over to the Dark Side
- CSS With a Hint of DRY
- Dear Borders: I hate you
- Django ORM for Online Payment Systems?
- Django Remote Development Server
- Do You Develop Software or Experiences?
- DRY and Pythonic jQuery?
- Early Adoption
- Facebook Lite Open to Public!
- Facebook Plugin for WordPress
- Facebook vs Twitter: A Critical Synopsis
- Fallibilism
- Fizz Buzz in Python
- Free Direct Download: Microsoft Office 2007
- Free Incredible Color Scheme Designer
- Generate a Random MAC Address in Python
- GitHub + Strategy
- Google Analytics + Intellegence
- Google Launches Public DNS Service
- Google's Gotta New Face
- How to Run Microsoft Office 2007 in Ubuntu Linux 8.10
- I Finally Got a MacBook
- if (TextMate == 42)
- Instapaper: Best Web App Ever Created
- jQuery Snippet #1: URL Parameter Fetching
- Media Temple and My Hosting
- MediaTemple (dv) Backup to S3 Script
- Microsoft Software Running in Linux
- Money Management 2.0
- More Google Wave Invites! Get 'em now!
- New Design!
- OpenDNS Finally Monetizes
- OSX + MAMP + Python + PHP + MySQL
- Python + Regular Expressions
- Reflections on Windows 7
- Remote TextMate Development via SSH and Rsync
- Revolution vs. Innovation
- Sick of Wireless 5GB Caps
- Smoothy TextMate Theme
- Software Development vs. Computer Science
- The Call for an Open Source Social Network
- The Power of a Clean API
- The Truth of Facebook's FriendFeed Aquisition
- The Ultimate RSS Feed Reader
- The Universal Flaw in Commercial-Based OS's
- Tim Ferriss and Insights on the Social Web
- uNetBootin: The Utility Belt for OS's
- User Interface: Content vs. MetaContent
- Was College Worth It?
- Wasted Talent
- What's In a Design?
- What's in a Language?
- Windows Mobile and iPhone OS
- Your Degree Is Worthless; Collaborate.
- Zsh Configuration