/ Talks
- The 12 Factor App
- API Driven Development
- Awareness of Self
- The Reality of Developer Burnout
- Documentation at Scale
- Documentation is King
- Flasky Goodness
- The Future of Python Dependencies Management
- Growing Open Source Seeds
- Heroku 101
- Python 2 vs Python 3: A Sacred Love Story
- Python for Humans
- Python, Requests, & The Standard Library
- Responder: a Familar HTTP Service Framework
These are my conference talks. I used to spend a lot of time speaking at conferences and meetups, but I've since shifted my focus to writing and creating content online. I still enjoy speaking, but I'm more selective about the events I attend.
I hope you enjoy the talks listed here, as well as the slide summaries (provided by AI) for each one. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter.
Code Typeface Used
- Operator Mono by Hoefler & Co.