/ Essays / 2010 / New Years Resolutions For Startups
New Years Resolutions for Startups
Here's a small list of 2009 New Year's Resolutions for your startup.
1. Simplify
Anyone can make something complex. It takes thoughtful planning, consideration, and discipline to make something simple. Simple = elegant. The same applies to your business.
2. Get some Humility
Don't assume you know what your audience wants. Find out first.
3. Release a Real Product
10,000 great ideas are worthless if you never act upon them. Pick one. Pick three and mix. Release.
4. The Opposite is Also True
Your product can be enormously successful for a single feature. Someone else's product will be even more successful for excluding that same feature.
5. Loose the Bulk
Startups [don't need much](\-startups\-do\-and\-dont\-need). The more you spend, the less you earn. Keep things small. Keep things simple. You'll thrive.