/ Essays / 2010 / Ventures Python Development At Netapp

Ventures: Python Development at NetApp

For the past year I've been employed at [Clutch, Inc](http://clutch\ in Winchester, Virginia, as a Systems Engineer and Web Developer. I've spent most of my time there developing content-based websites and web applications in PHP, advanced JavaScript, Grails, and the like. I even had the opportunity to develop the occassional Python application for server-side data manipulation/migration. But alas, all good things must come to an end.To that end, I have accepted a new position as a Senior Python Developer at [Network Appliance]( (RTP Campus), starting next week.One of the best parts of this opportunity will be my ability to work remotely from my hometown of Winchester, Virginia. I'll be setting up office in [Bright Cowork]( on the walking mall.

While moving from service-oriented web development to internal tool/application development will be a change of pace, it's a very welcome one, and I look forward to every moment of it.

I plan to leave my web development efforts to my various open source projects and client work, but on an as-need basis. My next step is to to focus my personal efforts on a new market entirely: iPhone app development & the iTunes store.