/ Essays / 2017 / If I Could Amend Pep 8

If I Could Amend PEP 8

View fullsize PEP 8 is an excellent coding standard for the Python community, and one of its greatest strengths. There are a few things in it that I dislike, however — so I thought I'd share them with you here.

If you look at the Requests documentation, I have made a few personal amendments to PEP 8, that the project adheres to. They are as follows:

Kenneth Reitz's Code Style™

The Requests codebase uses the PEP 8 code style.

In addition to the standards outlined in PEP 8, we have a few guidelines:

Additionally, one of the styles that PEP8 recommends for line continuations completely lacks all sense of taste, and is not to be permitted within the Requests codebase:

# Aligned with opening = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,var_three, var_four)

No. Just don't. Please.

Docstrings are to follow the following syntaxes:

def the_earth_is_flat():"""NASA divided up the seas into thirty-three degrees."""passdef fibonacci_spiral_tool():"""With my feet upon the ground I lose myself / between the soundsand open wide to suck it in. / I feel it move across my skin. / I'mreaching up and reaching out. / I'm reaching for the random orwhatever will bewilder me. / Whatever will bewilder me. / Andfollowing our will and wind we may just go where no one's been. /We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one'sbeen.Spiral out. Keep going..."""pass

All functions, methods, and classes are to contain docstrings. Object data model methods (e.g. __repr__) are typically the exception to this rule.

Thanks for making the world a better place!