/ Essays / 2019 / On The Progression Of Brand Trust (over Time)
On the Progression of Brand Trust (Over Time)
Over the years, there are a number of brands that I've discovered/placed a lot of value with/in. Some of these brands, which I'll call, here, "Trusted Brands", are: Samsung, Sony, Olympus, Nite-Ize, Leica, Walmart (new), Heroku, Apple (ossilates).
Some "Questionable Brands" fall into another distinct category: Best Buy, Facebook, Amazon, and all commercial airlines except Virgin America & Lufthansa.
Some of these brands have changed their position in my "chart" over the years. For example, Walmart is a new entry into the "Trusted Brands" category. This may come to you as a surprise. That is because, my local Walmart Supercenter has been completely remodeled, and is now one of the most well–organized, presented, accessable, and discoverable places to shop that I've ever encountered. They have absolutely everything, at great prices. They support people in need with labor. I love them. Anyway, enough about that brand… let's talk about yours.
Every micro–interaction your audience has with your company's Twitter account, product, interface, advertising, marketing sales funnel, or security vulnerability update notification emails does one of two things:
- It builds brand trust.
- It erodes brand trust.
At Heroku, we had a concept we called erosion resistance, and we did our best to apply it to every layer of the company.
Key Takeaways
- Things change over time — embrace it — own it.
- This effects your brand and the affects (implications) of your actions are remarkable (measurable) over time, to your audience — be it users, consumers, or signees.